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Granby Muay Thai members nominated for Community Team Award

Community Award nomination

Congratulations to Moh, Dillon and Lewis on their community award nomination, all are members of our team here at Granby and they have been nominated for the 1V Group of the Year award for their work with Shin Gi Ruh. Moh Mall (Production Team leader) runs the Blackburn Shin Gi Ruh club where Dillon Healy (Warehouse Team Leader) and Lewis Brannigan (Production Operative) are committed members.

Who are Shin Gi Ruh?

Shin Gi Ruh Muay Thai Camp are an inclusive and diverse Thai Boxing club who have been working in our community for more than 20 years. Of course, the club has a strong focus on health and wellbeing, including mental health, and the group has helped many individuals with their self-esteem and confidence but that isn’t all they do, by any means.


Not only do they promote Muay Thai boxing as a discipline, but they also have a focus on building a diverse community by offering equal opportunities to ethnic minorities as they look to promote understanding and respect amongst the wider community.

Thai Orphanage

And even then, there’s more. Shin Gi Ruh send profits to help run an orphanage in Thailand. Additionally, along with supporting Rohingya Refugee camps in Bangladesh this clearly demonstrate their commitment to a greater cause.

Young People

Many young people are provided with development opportunities to coach and volunteer for the club in the future. Volunteers deliver workshops across the borough to various groups, local sports teams, mosques and scout groups. Shin Gi Ruh plays a prominent role in empowering women and girls, particularly by helping them feel capable of anything they put their mind to.

What is Muay Thai?

Muay Thai is sometimes referred to as Thai Boxing. It is a combat sport that uses stand-up striking, sweeps, and various clinching techniques. This discipline is known as the “Art of eight limbs”, and is generally characterised by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees and shins.

More about Shin Gi Ruh Muay Thai Camp

Shin Gi Ruh Muay Thai Camp is a fully accredited Muay Thai boxing club. Both national and international governing bodies. redognise the club. What’s more, theclub runs classes for boys and girls starting from 5yrs of age. There are Adults Classes, Ladies Only, 1 to 1 and group bookings for fitness and Thai Boxing. Find out more

Shin Gi Ruh Muay Thai Camp mission

  1. To promote Muay Thai boxing as a discipline.
  2. To provide young people and adults an opportunity to gain confidence and promote health and fitness.
  3. To promote understanding and respect amongst the wider community.

What is the 1V Group of the Year Award all about?

The 1V Group of the Year must demonstrate engagement, achievement and cohesion to create a more integrated Blackburn. Furthermore, they must have a track record of working in partnership with communities in Blackburn. And they need to uplift marginalised communities. While the award aims to acknowledge the work of candidates in the previous 12 months, it can also be recognition of a continued level of service to the communities.

Well done to our Granby Shin Gi Ruh team members on their Community Award nomination. What an inspiration!


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